Frequently Asked Questions

If it is your first time going to Radiant or first time going to a church, we are glad you are considering coming and hope we will see you soon. Here are answers to a few common questions. We would be glad to answer any other questions you may have.

  1. What is it like? Jesus said you will know my disciples by the love they have for one another. We hope when you come you will see people who genuinely know and care about one another, and who are also genuinely glad to have you. We will have a time of singing and a teaching from the Bible, and various other times of prayer and sharing. After service, many people stick around to connect, and we would be glad to have you join in.
  2. What about my kids? We have a nursery for kids four and under. Children kindergarten to fifth grade can go to Radiant Kids where they get an age- appropriate lesson. Kids are dismissed to this after singing and prayer. The check-in for children is easily recognizable, and our greeting team will help you find it as well. You are also welcome to have your kids stay with you throughout the service if you prefer.
  3. Where do I park? When you turn into the building complex you will see signs for the church and where to park. There will be greeters serving to help you find a place as well. 
  4. What do I wear? Dress ranges between informal and business casual, but know that we care more about who you are than what you wear, so just come as you are.
  5. How can I get connected? Contact us or just come out. You will meet people when you come and they can help you connect.  A great way to connect is through small groups, and we have a number of those that we can tell you about.